I hope you were able to join us for the January branch program featuring Jean Kerver and Kelly Hirko, local TC epidemiologists who shared aspects of their work and then turned to us for advice on how best to work with the community in these challenging times. They are truly open to suggestions. Anyone with ideas in this arena is welcome to contact me (Suzanne Sorkin, sorkin@msu.edu ) and I will put you in touch with Jean and Kelly.
Looking forward, please mark your calendars for Tuesday, February 2, 2021 and Tuesday, March 2, 2021 for our next two Zoom meetings. Both will be 5:30-6:30pm with the opportunity to join a bit early if you want to confirm your Zoom connection and perhaps chat a bit with others informally prior to the start. Non-Zoomers are welcome to just phone in by calling the number provided when registering.
Tuesday, Feb. 2 we will be learning from Marjie Rich, MPH of Generations Ahead, a local non-profit which works with pregnant and parenting teens in the Grand Traverse area. Check out their website at https://generationsahead.org
It looks like AAUW and Generations Ahead both promote goals of helping girls and women achieve their goals in education, employment and living fulfilling contributing lives. Please come prepared to ask Marjie questions and perhaps propose ideas on how we might work together.
Tuesday, March 2 will be a change of perspective with a history professor, Natalie I. Joy, PhD of Northern Illinois University’s History Department. Professor Joy received an AAUW fellowship in 2007-08 when working on her dissertation called “Hydra’s Head” about antebellum women fighting slavery and Indian Removal. Please collect all those with a historical bent to invite to this program.
To register for any of our programs go to our branch website https://traversecityarea-mi.aauw.net and click where it says “Register by following this link” or for the Feb. 2 program you can click the Zoom link directly here:
These programs are open to the public with prior registration so feel free to invite interested others. Join a few minutes early and have a social chat first. Hope to see you soon!
Suzanne Sorkin