Interest Groups

Our Branch has a number of interest groups and committees available to members. If you are interested in helping with any of these interest groups and committees, send an email to the contact.  Groups are listed alphabetically.


Second and fourth Thursday of each month year-round at the Traverse City Country Club.
Contact: Shirley
Arrive to order lunch by 11:30 am. Play bridge until 3 pm. Free parking at the Traverse City Country Club. Reservations with the chair are necessary.

Lunchin’ Around

Schedule listed in monthly newsletter
Contact: Pat 

We’re back! Lunchin’ Around meets on the second Friday of the month at 11:30 am. We meet in restaurants around town and discuss a topic each month. It’s a great way to take advantage of the many varieties of cuisines around town and to get to know other Branch members.

Book Group: Monday Evening Book Group (was Thursday)

Second Monday of each month September-June, 6:00 in member’s homes.
Contact: Bonnie

We discuss the book selection each month with the help of a leader.

Our book list is available at Horizon Books and at Brilliant Books in Traverse City. Mention our group for a 10% discount. 

Book Group: Night Readers Book Group

Third Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
Contact: Cindy 

Night Readers meets on the third Tuesday of the month from September to June either in a member’s house or at the Elk’s club.

Book Group: Verna Mae Daytime Book Group

10:00–noon, last Wednesday of each month from August to November, January to June.
Contact: Joyce
Traverse Area District Library (TADL) on Woodmere, Thirlby Room. The Verna May Daytime Book Group chooses books from the TADL Book Club Kit collection.

Poetry Group

First Friday, year round
Contact: Shirley
12 noon lunch at Cordia
meeting 1 pm at Shirley Murray’s apartment
Cordia Apt

Talkin’ Cancer

Last Monday of the Month in the home of a group member
Sandy S-G

Join us to talk life with cancer—share our experiences, help each other, share tips, and support each other.