
Welcome to the Traverse City, MI Branch!

The American Association of University Women (AAUW), officially founded in 1881, is a non-profit organization that advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research. The organization has a nationwide network of 170,000 members and supporters, 1,000 local branches, and 800 college and university partners. Its headquarters are in Washington, D.C.

Our group works to advance equity for women and girls in the Grand Traverse Area. AAUW-TC connects with members through community outreach, monthly branch meetings, interest groups, programs, and scholarships. Join us!


March 2025 Meeting, Women Matter: Voices of Women Clergy

Flower Power Fundraiser Now Available

Help our branch raise money by ordering bulb. Flower Power fundraiser January 3-May 15, 2025. http://AAUWTraverseCity.fpfundraising.com

Scholarship Applications

Accepting scholarship applications through March 15, 2025.