Note Card Fundraiser is Opportunity to Promote AAUW Priorities
If you haven’t heard about AAUWMI’s note card fundraiser, then you must be living under a rock for all the advertising we’ve been doing.
Especially appropriate is that March is Women’s History Month—a perfect time to purchase these notecards to commemorate those who came before us.
This fundraiser allows you the flexibility to order as few as one individual card to as many as you would like or a 25-pack. The notecards present different themes as well, from women historical leaders, black leaders, modern day sheroes, cards about the pandemic, the environment, the suffrage movement and others.
To access our fundraiser, simply visit our website:
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Make sure your voice is heard! AAUW provides everything you need to contact your members of Congress and your state legislators about pressing issues. You can make a difference in just two minutes! Just go to, Take Action and scroll down to fill out the form. It’s a fast and easy way to make your voice heard.
State Capitol News
AAUW of Michigan’s Government Relations Coordinator Mary Pollock reports on Michigan’s 101st Legislature including human trafficking, ending child marriage, election law bills, and an update on the activities of the Michigan Independent Citizen’s Redistricting Commission. Read the complete report here: GOVERNMENT RELATIONS COORDINATOR REPORT. Also check out AAUW of Michigan March 2, 2021, TRACKED BILLSfor the list of bills AAUW of Michigan is following and other information related to the bills.
Mary Pollock