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Consider joining our dynamic group of women leaders and make an impact!
Even though it might seem like the world has stopped in the pandemic, the work of AAUW, even at the branch level, keeps moving. There are some exciting opportunities to get more involved with AAUWTC in the coming months.
We are able to thrive because of our invaluable volunteers, who help us in all facets of what we do. As Presidents, supporting our board members is a top priority and we do our best to support the women in these positions.
Program Chair
Suzanne Sorkin has done a great job lining up interesting speakers for our monthly programs. From local health experts to AAUW Fellows studying the fight for Native American rights, she finds speakers through member suggestions and by working with a committee to keep us informed all year round.
Her term is up this year and she is looking for someone who would be willing to shadow her and learn the ins and outs. If you might be interested in learning about this fun and interesting role, email us at or contact Suzanne at
Membership Chair
Membership is a great position for the member who enjoys the social aspects of AAUW. Your job is to work with branch leadership on renewals (no hard sales, just gentle reminders) when the year is up and, in “normal” times, works with a team to create recruitment events. Our current chair, Nadine Dolan, has done a wonderful job connecting members throughout COVID, but understandably wants to spend some time with her family as things start opening up. She is a great resource to whoever takes the position next.
Public Policy Chair
While Equal Pay Day is the pinnacle of AAUW Public Policy activities, it is a position that allows someone interested in government policy to also educate and inform fellow members about mission based issues. The Chair has support tools available from the local board, AAUWMI Public Policy, and AAUW National updates. Cindy Hull has done a great job and can guide the new chair into the role.
Fundraising Committee
Amy Gibson has stepped up to lead our Book Sales and keep that effort going (with accommodations for COVID safety). Looking to the future, the AAUWTC Board recently had a discussion about branching out to explore other fundraising ideas in addition to Book Sales. If you would like to be part of this committee, or just have an idea you would like to share, please email us at
We are always so appreciative of our members willingness to jump in and help when needed. If one of these positions seems like a good fit for you, please reach out. Our goal is to support and encourage new leadership and keep our branch the great organization it is today.
Email us at if you are interested in any of these positions.
Amy and Leanne