AAUW Fall Special Interest Schedules

AAUW Interest Group Fall Updates
Thank you to all for sharing what the special interest groups have been doing for this past year. Here are a few updates for the Fall.
Night Readers Book Group
Night Readers meets on the third Tuesday of the month from September to June. We are hoping to transition from Zoom meetings to live meetings this fall, contingent upon any changes in CDC recommendations and our branch policies. In the past, live meetings were held at 6:15 at a member’s home or local restaurant. Last year, ZOOM meetings met at 7:00.
Our book list for 2021-2022 is:
9/21/2021: The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
10/19/2021: People We Meet On Vacation by Emily Henry
11/16/2021: Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich
12/21/2021: Being Mortal by Atul Gawande
1/18/2022: Lost Girls of Paris by Pam Jenoff
2/15/2022: Four Winds by Kristin Hannah
3/15/2022: Woman with the Blue Star by Pam Jenoff
4/19/2022: Three Flames by Alan Lightman
5/17/2022: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doer
For more information contact Cindy Hull (hullc@gvsu.edu) or Betty Lien (themanorhouselakedrive@gmail.com).
Verna Mae Book Group
Meet at Traverse District Library second floor Thirlby Room at 10 AM
Upcoming Books:
September 29 Women of Copper County Maria Doria Russell
October 27 Clementine: The Life of Mrs Winston Churchill Sonia Purnell
For more information contact Maryln Lawrence 946-5453.
AAUW Bridge
Meet at the Traverse City Country Club at 11:30 (prompt), play bridge, each lunch and finish with bridge at 3 pm.
August 26
September 9
September 23
Interested in joining us?  Shirley Murray at 943-4663.