Looking ahead, our October meeting will be the first Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at 5:30 pm featuring Jillian Manning, the executive director of the National Writers Series. Learn what’s going on behind the scenes at this important cultural and educational force in our community.
This is currently planned as a hybrid activity with both Zoom and in-person options. For those vaccinated members who wish to gather in-person, the Janis Room of the Dennos Museum has been reserved. They will offer access to their gated parking area. NMC has an indoor mask mandate which includes the Dennos Museum so masks will be required to attend and there will consequently be no eating permitted. For those who prefer to watch remotely and any interested members of the public, Zoom will be available.
The November meeting to add to your calendar is the SECOND Tuesday of the month (due to election day on the first Tuesday). Our program is Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 5:30 pm. Sarah Eichberger is a public health nutritionist with MSU Extension based here in Traverse City.
Again, our current plan is for a hybrid presentation with both Zoom and masked, in-person options as above.
Looking forward to reconnecting. As always, feedback and programming suggestions are welcome.
Suzanne Sorkin