Sandy’s Message


Finally, the answer to my very painful leg. The PET Scan reported pretty much what I expected. The breast cancer I had three years ago is back. Unfortunately, it’s been back for several months and has metastasized to many areas of my bones foraging on hormones. It can’t be cured but the spread can be slowed and the pain reduced. It will be a palliative treatment. I’ll have some radiation to reduce the leg pain. I’ll take chemo pills to stop the cancer and shots to strengthen the bones. And I’ll take an anti-hormone pill to reduce food for the cancer.

I won’t make it to age 94 as planned, but I do have some life ahead to live. Other than a painful leg and not having as much energy as I’d like, I feel like nothing else has changed. I’ll continue to knit, read, chat will local friends, Zoom with family and friends, attend a variety of Zoom events, watch PBS every Saturday and Sunday evening, finish the Seppala book, and enjoy this wonderful area we live in. Kim and I intend to spend our days together with adventure, kindness, and love. Let’s hope that time will be in years and not weeks!

Note: the sling is off my broken arm and I can cook again. Thanks to all of you who provided us with dinners for those 5 weeks. And thanks to those of you who have driven me to appointments… unfortunately I may have to call you again… Kim and I are so grateful to you all!

It’s not until you’re sick that you realize how many wonderful people surround you. Thank you all for your support and love.

Emails, FaceTime & phone calls, dropping by for a chat are always welcome.

Peace and love,
