January President’s Message

Old and New Year
2021 has brought with it some hope- changes at the federal level of government moving more
towards AAUW’s stated mission, more vaccine distribution, and the promise every new year
brings with it. At the same time, it is not a magic wand that will erase our current difficulties.
COVID-19 still rages and with it comes continued limitations on our “normal” way of doing
We have reflected here over the last few months about the strength of AAUW members, about
our ability to adapt as lifelong learners. We have asked you to stay with us as we move a lot of
our regular activities online. We have found some advantages of this new way of meeting, like
having guests for our programs from outside of the region. We have persevered.
We look to 2021 with some optimism, but also resolve. Our new ways are likely to be around for
months still. Our programs will be on Zoom through the end of our “season” in May. We
encourage special interest groups to follow suit. Even as many of our members will likely be
vaccinated in the coming weeks and months, we are a group who wants to welcome everyone,
including new members, and we want them to feel safe.
So, we come with the repeated message to stay the course. We hope to see you all on Zoom at
the February meeting and we hope to hear from you all as we continue through the winter- via
check in buddies, special interest group meetings, and even articles for this newsletter. Nadine
has shared a story of life with her granddaughter during this pandemic. If you have stories you
want to share about living in these times, please feel free to share them with us.
Stay safe, everyone!