Thru these long months of the pandemic, I have spent a lot of time on FaceTime with my 8 year old granddaughter, Aleeza. She has, of course, asked lots of questions. Recently she asked why do I belong to AAUW. I told her that we may not meet in person right now, but we have made an important commitment to young women in our community by offering them college scholarships. We continue to raise money for those scholarships. We work for equal pay for women, and that we have Equal Pay Day activities each year—a “holiday” that we don’t want to celebrate. I explained that the Equal Pay Day is when women’s earnings catch up with men’s each year. She was not happy about that at all. I showed her a picture from the 2013 Equal Pay Day activities. Her picture was on my poster that year promoting Paycheck Fairness Act—a bill still languishing in the Senate.
Aleeza & I have been “check in” buddies and have had some enjoyable conversations. I have learned a lot about her virtual Girl Scout activities, and she has learned about AAUW. I hope you are still in contact with your AAUW “check in” buddy and have shared with her why AAUW is important to you.
Nadine Dolan VP of Membership