Calling all AAUW Artists: (Reminder From National)
It’s that time of year again! AAUW’s 12th annual art contest opened January 6, and your work could be among the winning entries.
To enter, submit your photography or a digital photo of your painting, drawing, sculpture, collage or other form of art through the AAUW website. All entries are accepted, but we encourage you to look through your portfolio for works that speak to AAUW’s mission.
AAUW members will select their favorite entries via ranked-choice voting. Winning entries will be featured on a collection of notecards sent to members in the spring. The back of the cards will include the winning artist’s biography, a fact about AAUW and a highlight of their local branch affiliation when applicable.
This year’s winners could include someone from your branch or state, so spread the word through your member communications!
For more information on submitting artwork or to see last year’s art gallery, please visit the AAUW Art Contest page .
We hope to see your work in this year’s contest!